Can CBD help with stress?

Can CBD help with stress? At some time in our life, we are all likely to have felt stressed, overwhelmed, worried, anxious, or depressed, however with the knock-on effects of the covid pandemic, the rising cost of living and the seemingly ever-increasing energy bills, it’s something more of us are experiencing on a more regular…

How To Take CBD In Tincture Form

How to take CBD in Tincture form Tinctures are proving to be a very popular and cost-effective method to take CBD.  The amount of CBD tincture you should take depends on a many factors including weight, the strength of the tincture, what you are hoping to achieve and your body’s individual make-up. Consumers report that…

The Endocannabinoid System

Cannabis plants and mammals have chemical compounds in their systems called cannabinoids. In people, they are called endocannabinoids. In plants, they are known as phytocannabinoids. The cannabis plant has many cannabinoids. The number is believed to be over 120. The two best known and researched are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is responsible for the way both…

How Much CBD Should I Take?

This chart is a guide on CBD dosage. Scientific evidence on dosage is thin on the ground but research suggests that efficacy follows a bell curve with regards to amounts of CBD ingested. This means that not enough CBD has similar effects to too much CBD. This is one of the reasons we advocate starting…